Benefits of the Pitaya
by MBG Online on October 12, 2021

Pitaya, or dragon fruit, are exotic cactus fruits with a unique appearance. The fruit has a leathery pink or yellow skin, with white or red flesh and black seeds. The pitahaya’s flesh is like a refreshing mix of watermelon and kiwi. It is slightly sweet and low in calories.
Nutritional value per 100 grams:
- 240 kJ (57 kcal)
- 16 g of carbohydrates
- 0 g of total lipid fat
- 3,57 g of protein
- 8.8 mg of calcium
- 0.65 mg of iron
- 0.045 mg of vitamin B1
- 9 mg of vitamin C
- 0.9 g of fiber
Benefits of the Pitaya:
- The seeds contain many nutrients like omega 3s and omegas 6s.
- The fruit itself contains lycopene, which has anti-cancer properties.
- It controls blood sugar
- It has a low glycemic index
- It stimulates a proper digestion
- It helps in weight loss
- It controls cholesterol
- It contains Anti-aging properties
- It contains protecting benefits against heart disease issues