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India is the world’s largest producer of pomegranates
India grows six commercial varieties of pomegranate which is Ganesh, Mridula, Arakta, Ruby, Phule Bhagwa, and Phule Bhagwa Super. Being home to the finest varieties of pomegranate, the fruits have soft seeds with fewer acids. You can even eat those seeds. In fact, the fruit quality is much superior to those grown in Spain and Iran inedible quality and attractiveness. We believe they are the sweetest pomegranate in the market.
With the pomegranate season in full swing, around 20,000 tonnes of the fruit has been exported from the country so far.
Mainly grown in the western parts of India and Maharashtra became the country’s pomegranate bowl, with 71.21 % of the total area under pomegranate cultivation in the country.
Reaching prospective growers through farmer rallies, and visiting orchards in the summer, when the temperature reaching to 45° in Maharashtra, they have single-handedly popularized the cultivation of pomegranate in the state’s rain-fed regions, bringing good fortune among those dependent on horticulture for their occupation.
Recently like Europe, other countries that export grapes from India including China, Indonesia, and Russia, have decided to issue stricter Residue Monitoring Plan (RMP) norms to the country.
Fun Facts
• The word pomegranate means apple with many seeds.
• Pomegranates are native to the Middle East.
• Pomegranates belong to the berry family.
• Pomegranates are classified as a super fruit.
• Pomegranates can be stored up to 2 months in the refrigerator.
• Pomegranates do not contain cholesterol or saturated fats.
• Pomegranate trees grow in hot and dry climates.
• Pomegranate trees are grown commercially and domestically (in home gardens).
• Pomegranate trees can live for over 200 years.
Health Benefits of Pomegranates
Stomach Disorders
Pomegranate peel, bark, and leaves are used to calm disorders of the stomach or diarrhea caused by any kind of digestive problems. Drinking tea made from the leaves of this fruit also helps in curing your digestive problems. Pomegranate juice is also used for handling problems like dysentery and cholera.
Heart Problems
Regular intake of pomegranate juice can maintain the good flow of the blood in the body. Because of this property, it subsequently decreases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The antioxidant components that are contained in this fruit help to keep the bad cholesterol from gaining any significant presence and thus keeps the arteries clear of any clots. The clots are clear because pomegranates have the ability to make the blood thinner.
Pomegranates contain high levels of antioxidants called flavonoids. These flavonoids are known to be effective in counteracting various cancer radials. People that face the high risk of prostate and breast cancer should start drinking the juice of this fruit, as it will help them to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Regular consumption of pomegranates can reduce the PSA levels in the body and aid in the fight against existing cancer cells in the body.
Dental Care
One of the best benefits of pomegranates is that their juice, along with its antibacterial and antiviral properties, helps to reduce the effects of dental plaque and protects against various oral diseases.
Pomegranates help reduce illnesses of many forms, including atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis. The damages that are caused due to the thickening and hardening of the arterial walls and in the cartilage and joints can be cured by eating this fruit. Also, pomegranates are capable of preventing the creation of enzymes that are responsible for breaking down connective tissues within the body.
Healthy blood flow can be maintained in the body by consuming this fruit in any form. Pomegranate supplies iron to the blood, thus helping to reduce symptoms of anemia, including exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, and hearing loss.
For diabetic patients, drinking pomegranate juice can reduce the risk of various coronary diseases. Along with this, there is a reduction in the hardening of the arteries, which can inhibit the development of various heart diseases.
Selection and Storage
A pomegranate fruit judged ripe when it develops distinctive color and impart metallic sound when tapped by the fingertip. It must be picked up at the right time before turning over mature; otherwise, its seeds become harder, inedible, and the whole fruit tends to burst open and spoiled.
In the markets, choose well-developed, firm, bright crimson red fruits. Avoid spotted, over-mature fruits as they can be bitter and inedible. Furthermore, avoid those with surface cracks, mold, bruised, shriveled as they are inferior in flavor. At home, store them in cool dark place at room temperature for 5-8 days or more. In general, pomegranates possess long shelf life. You can also put them in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.