Korea Strawberry What is in the Order? 1 Pack x Korea Strawberry [250G/Pack] Product description Product Name: Strawberry Origin: Korea Sweetness ★★★☆☆ / Sourness ★★★☆☆ Sensation: The taste is firm, sweet-sour and...
China Green Kiwi (M) Product Description1. Origin : China2. Color : Green3. Nutrition : Contain a variety of Vitamins (Vitamin C, K and E), Minerals and Fiber.4. Taste : Sweet...
Korea Strawberry What is in the Order? 1 Carton x Korea Strawberry [10 Packs] 1 Pack : 250G Product description Product Name: Strawberry Origin: Korea Sweetness ★★★☆☆ / Sourness ★★★☆☆ Sensation: The...
Morocco Blueberry Product description A blueberry is a very small fruit that grows on a type of woody plant called a shrub. The blueberry fruits are round and contain many...