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The Abate Fetel Variety, also called The Queen is known in Europe as “The royal pear”. In shape, this variety of pears, have an unmistakably long and thin shaped neck, and from a botanical point of view the Abate Fetel is considered “elongated”
It is “the most Italian pear of all “. Italy, is in fact the largest producer in the world of Abate Fetel pears. In the Asian market, this variety is not very common, plus the skin texture is not attractive at first, but when it’s ripe, the flesh is far sweeter than other varieties.
Characteristics of ripeness of the skin, the flavour and texture: the skin colour varies from greenish to yellowish hues depending on the advanced state of ripeness – with variant rusty hues covering parts of the skin. Occasionally, the fruits may have a reddish-pinkish skin if they’ve had direct exposure to sunlight.
This pear, straight from Italy is a product of Opera. Opera is the only organization of made up exclusively Italian Fruit Growers specialized in the cultivation of pears. That’s why Opera is special and has the objective of becoming the reference point for the entire chain of pear in Italy, and in the World.